Category Archives: Safe Driving Tips

Cleaning your windscreen

Cleaning your windscreen

Cleaning your windscreen

A clean windscreen is essential for safe driving, especially in low-light or rainy conditions. However, many drivers neglect this important task or do it incorrectly, resulting in streaks, smears , or even scratches. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to clean your windscreen properly and effectively.


Follow these 3 simple steps to get clean and clear windows

1 The first step is to choose the right products and tools for the job. You will need a good quality glass cleaner, a microfiber cloth, a squeegee and some paper towels. Avoid using household cleaners, dish soap or ammonia-based products, as they can damage the glass or leave behind residues. Also, avoid using abrasive materials, such as steel wool or scouring pads, as they can scratch the surface.
2The second step is to prepare the windscreen for cleaning. Park your car in a shaded area and make sure the glass is cool to the touch. If the glass is hot, the cleaner will evaporate too quickly and leave streaks. Spray the glass cleaner generously on the windscreen and let it sit for a few seconds to loosen up any dirt or grime. Then, use the microfiber cloth to wipe the glass in a circular motion, starting from the center and moving outward. Make sure to cover the entire surface and apply some pressure to remove any stubborn spots.
3The third step is to dry the windscreen and remove any streaks. Use the squeegee to wipe off the excess cleaner from the glass, starting from the top and moving downward. Make sure to overlap each stroke and wipe the blade with a paper towel after each pass. Then, use a clean microfiber cloth to buff the glass and remove any remaining streaks or smears. You can also use a newspaper to polish the glass and give it a shiny finish.

By following these simple steps, you can achieve a clean and clear windscreen that will improve your visibility and safety on the road. Remember to clean your windscreen regularly and check for any cracks or chips that may need repair. Happy driving!

The team at Fast Autoglass wish you happy and safe driving.

Winter Driving Safety Tips

Winter Driving Safety Tips

As we pull our winter gear out from the back of the cupboard, ready to use on those colder days. We know that we need to prepare ourselves for the colder weather. Have you ever thought about preparing your car for winter driving? Continue Reading